When Microsoft announced in September of 2014 the new Windows platform, you could almost hear the collective groans from business customers. After the Windows 8.1 version, many business owners were frustrated with the lack of innovative tools to help run their businesses. In fact, many companies opted to downgrade to Windows 7 after having tried […]

If you are like many business owners, you are most likely juggling multiple projects on a daily basis. In an effort to keep work organized, you might be considering project management software at your business. There are many types of project management solutions available for business, from locally-installed options to web-based solutions that allow employees […]

More than ten years ago, the most common forms of malware attacks were those that were initiated by way of macros. Macros, in case you are unaware of what they are, are little bits of VB code that are used to automate repetitive processes in applications like Microsoft Word and Excel. Back in the day, […]

Smart devices are wonderful. The latest smart phones all have virtual assistants you can just ask questions rather than bothering with the whole typing thing. That’s both fantastic and convenient. The day’s coming when keyboards will be relegated to the dustbin of history. It’s not just smartphones, either. Television manufacturers have done a remarkable job […]

Social media has become much more than just a place for individuals to hang out and share their latest stories and pictures. Today, businesses are more involved than ever, and many companies have doubled down on social media, abandoning their traditional websites and email address for a Facebook page and a Twitter account. However, despite […]

Who doesn’t love Radio Shack? The company is as much a part of American retailing lore as Sears and Roebuck and Macy’s. The TRS-80 the company made famous was instrumental in the popularization of the personal computer, and for decades the store was the go-to location for cables, components, and a dazzling variety of gadgets […]

When looking at cloud computing options for your business, you should examine the benefits and the drawbacks of both public and private cloud services. A public cloud gives you the flexibility to work from virtually anywhere and share and collaborate on data with many different people. A private cloud, on the other hand, gives you […]

In the wake of the now-infamous Sony hack, many new security vulnerabilities are being found across a wide range of devices. Check Point Software Technologies recently revealed a flaw found in millions of routers in use across the Internet that allow hackers to take control of the devices. The vulnerability, being called “Misfortune Cookie,” has […]

Today, companies are able to collect massive amounts of data about their customers and their shopping habits. This data can provide companies with valuable insights into what products they could sell and how they should market those products to consumers. However, there are a few problems in the collection of data for many companies seeking […]

With the advancement of technology comes a host of new problems that IT leaders must tackle. In the past, IT leaders have had to wrestle with a variety of issues, from what types of computers to buy to how many servers they should use to ensure a strong internal network. Today, times have changed and […]