How To Get Started With Podcasts

How To Get Started With Podcasts

Technology and small business are two inseparable partners when it comes to growing an economy in the 21st century. Podcasts are an easy-to-use but important piece of that technology for a number of reasons. Perhaps the most important reason is that it uses an advertising strategy that was made famous by Lee Iacocca of Chrysler […]

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Microsoft Makes Office 365 More Attractive to Business

Microsoft Makes Office 365 More Attractive to Business

Due to changes in technology and the increased competition from the likes of Google, Microsoft created the Office 365, which allows users to access Office from the web. In an effort to continue to profit from Microsoft Office, this access requires a monthly fee in order to continue to use the service. One of the […]

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Playing With Fire – Information About the Lenovo Recall

Playing With Fire – Information About the Lenovo Recall

Lenovo has recently reported a defective manufacturing run with a number of the company’s laptop power cords. This recall affects more than 500,000 AC power cord units, and was issued after receiving numerous reports of the cords sparking, burning, melting, and overheating. Reports of actual damage from malfunctioning cords has come from outside of North […]

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Preparing Your Business For Stress Free Holidays

Preparing Your Business For Stress Free Holidays

The holiday season is often the most profitable season for businesses but it can also be a time of great stress. During the holidays both you and your employees will work harder than you have worked the entire year and between increased hours and extra time away for your employees, it can be difficult to […]

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It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! No, It’s a Drone!

It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! No, It’s a Drone!

Drones are becoming a common part of our daily lives and more as more people and businesses begin adapting them to their unique needs and wants. While initially a military technology, the drone has grown into much more than just a tool of war and is slowly becoming as commonplace as the cars we drive. […]

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Implications of The Sony Hack

Implications of The Sony Hack

More details are now emerging on the heels of the Sony hack, including ongoing leaks of the information gained from Sony’s servers.  What we’re discovering is interesting, though as we get a more complete picture, things aren’t exactly as Sony initially had us believe.  Here’s what we know so far. The North Korea Connection When […]

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Is Windows 10 a Step Forward?

Is Windows 10 a Step Forward?

If experience is to be learned from, then chalk one learning experience up for Microsoft with its Windows 10 design. While Windows 8 seemed to be an attempt at entering into the world of mobile through a desktop, the peeks into Windows 10 fixes many of the anti-Windows features, such as the hiding of the […]

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Is the End Coming for Passwords?

Is the End Coming for Passwords?

How many passwords do you have? If you are like most of us, there are more than you can count. You regularly enter the wrong password or forget it entirely. This has become a way of life for virtually everybody as we live in this digital age. One of the most alarming aspects of passwords […]

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Is Dot Com Name Dominance Fading?

Is Dot Com Name Dominance Fading?

There was a time when dot com was the only domain name. Well, not the only domain name, but it was the only domain worth having. In fact, many people believe that a good name ending in dot com was key to success. A lot of investors believed this fact as well, and there are […]

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Internet Ready Products Now A Must

Internet Ready Products Now A Must

We may be standing on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution. Manufacturers and other innovators are slowly but surely making all our formerly disconnected devices smart devices and connecting them to the Internet. With each passing day, more and more of these formerly stand-alone devices are now being given Internet capabilities that connect them […]

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How To React When An Employee Resigns

How To React When An Employee Resigns

No matter how good of an employer you are and how perfect the working conditions in your environment are, you are going to have employees resign. It is just a simple fact of business. It is important as a manager or business owner that you handle the resignation of an employee the right way so […]

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