Wisdom Wednesday: Master Snapchat In Your Business

Wisdom Wednesday: Master Snapchat In Your Business

When it comes to social media marketing, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are no longer enough. Get an edge over your competition by mastering Snapchat now! Since all but taking over online communication, social media has become a viable business tool as well. Social media is easy and affordable to use, and it allows access to […]

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Don’t Need Your Business Server Room Anymore?

Don’t Need Your Business Server Room Anymore?

If you have a free server room, here’s what you can do with it! Many small to mid-sized companies are running across a problem these days: They are moving their systems to the cloud and related cloud services and finding that they don’t really need a server room anymore. On one hand, that’s good news, […]

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It’s Not Even Close to Over… Wanna Cry?

It’s Not Even Close to Over… Wanna Cry?

In case you have been living in a cave the past three days… Wanna Cry is a ransomware that spreads like wildfire by leveraging a Windows SMB exploit to remotely access and infect computers running on unpatched or unsupported versions of Windows. It infects the targeted computer then moves on to others on the network […]

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Wisdom Wednesday: The Hidden Costs Of Malware

Wisdom Wednesday: The Hidden Costs Of Malware

Ransomware is malware that either freezes your computer or locks it so you cannot access data and programs that your company normally uses. The criminal that is holding your system hostage, demands a ransom that is usually paid in Bitcoin. Imagine opening your business one morning, turning your computer on and reading a message that […]

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How To Improve Your Computers Performance

How To Improve Your Computers Performance

Take the time to optimize Windows for the best user experience possible. Disabling unnecessary features will have your computer running faster in no time. A sluggish PC acts as dead weight around the user’s neck. A slow computer can halt productivity and lead to frustrations over the course of the workday. Resist the urge to […]

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Flashback Friday: Still Using 1995 Internet Technologies

Flashback Friday: Still Using 1995 Internet Technologies

The internet has changed over the years, but people remain the same. See what’s different, what’s similar and how the past can define the future. There’s a famous clip from The Today Show in 1994 where the hosts try to figure out what the internet is. Millennials watch it and giggle as the stars puzzle […]

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20 Years of Viruses, Bugs and Computer Scams

20 Years of Viruses, Bugs and Computer Scams

There are viruses that can be implanted on a computer in 2017, and lie in wait until a network becomes vulnerable before attacking. Unfortunately, viruses have come a long way from 20 years ago. The term virus was coined early on in computer history, but it’s every bit as relevant today as it was then. […]

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The Worst Password Mistakes that Compromise Security

The Worst Password Mistakes that Compromise Security

Broadcasting your password on national television may be the easiest way to invite hackers, but common password mistakes make it almost as easy for your data security to be compromised. Password safety may not be one of the most interesting topics in the realm of cybersecurity, but having a strong password is one of the […]

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Wisdom Wednesday: How to Avoid Computer System Infection

Wisdom Wednesday: How to Avoid Computer System Infection

Criminals want your company’s financial data, customer lists including credit card information, intellectual property, and anything else they can sell. Cyber crime is a huge endeavor with severe consequences for organizations that are victimized. Criminals want your company’s financial data, customer lists including credit card information, intellectual property, and anything else they can sell. Besides […]

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Windows Vista Users: Read This Alert Now!

Windows Vista Users: Read This Alert Now!

Windows Vista, a widely unpopular operating system from Microsoft, is no longer being supported by the company. Learn what this means and what you need to do if you still use Vista.   On April 11, 2017, Microsoft released an update to its Windows 10 Creators. With it comes the addition of security functionality, fresh […]

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