The entrepreneurial journey of Chad Ingram is a prime example of how normal, everyday people can achieve extraordinary success through hard work, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of their dreams. Chad’s story begins in Glendora, a suburb of Los Angeles, where he grew up in a modest neighborhood with his family. His father was a business owner, which instilled in Chad a sense of entrepreneurship from a young age.

Chad’s story serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs who may come from normal beginnings but have the drive and determination to achieve greatness. His journey to founding Distro highlights the importance of hard work, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of one’s goals, regardless of the obstacles that may stand in the way.

Family Tragedy Led to Entrepreneurship

The podcast episode dives into the story of Chad Ingram, whose family tragedy led to entrepreneurship. Chad’s mother passed away when he was just 10 days old, leaving his father with seven children to care for. Despite the difficult circumstances, Chad’s father was encouraged by his late wife to start his own catering business, which he did just six months before her passing. This event marked the beginning of Chad’s family’s entrepreneurial journey.

With no other options but to provide for his family, Chad’s father threw himself into building the catering business. The entire family, including Chad, worked in the business during their teenage years, gaining valuable experience and learning the ins and outs of entrepreneurship at a young age. This early exposure to the world of business instilled in Chad and his siblings a strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility.

Through their hard work and dedication, Chad’s family successfully grew the catering business, catering to weddings, quinceañeras, and various parties in LA. Despite the challenges they faced, Chad and his family persevered and built a successful business from the ground up. The tragedy that struck their family ultimately led to the development of their entrepreneurial skills and mindset.

Follow Your Passion, Not Expectations

Chad shares his journey from initially pursuing a career in law due to societal expectations and the allure of financial success, to ultimately following his passion for business and entrepreneurship. This shift in direction highlights the importance of following one’s own passion and desires, rather than conforming to the expectations of others.

Chad’s decision to drop out of law school at the last minute, despite being only three classes away from graduation, demonstrates his willingness to listen to his inner voice and make a bold move towards building a business. This decision was not easy, as it required him to go against the grain and take a risk in pursuing something that aligned more closely with his interests and values.

By choosing to educate himself in various aspects of business and entrepreneurship, Chad showed his commitment to learning and growing in a field that resonated with him. Despite not having a concrete business idea at the time, he dove headfirst into the world of entrepreneurship, driven by his passion and determination to succeed.

Continuous Self-Growth as a Leader

One key theme that emerges from Chad’s journey is the concept of continuous self-growth as a leader. Throughout the podcast, Chad emphasizes the importance of personal development and self-awareness in order to effectively lead a high-growth, venture-backed business. He acknowledges the need for leaders to evolve and adapt as their companies grow and face new challenges.

Chad’s experience highlights the necessity for leaders to not only focus on developing their business acumen and leadership skills but also on their self-awareness and personal growth. He emphasizes that leaders must be willing to step outside of their comfort zones, embrace discomfort, and constantly strive to become a better version of themselves. This continuous self-growth is essential for navigating the fast-paced, high-pressure environment of a growth company.

Fast Is Better Than Slow

In this TechBeat episode, Chad discusses the importance of speed in both racing and business. He mentions that fast is better than slow, but also emphasizes the importance of knowing when to slow down and brake in order to navigate corners and ultimately reach the finish line. This concept of speed and knowing when to slow down can be applied to various aspects of life, including entrepreneurship and personal growth.

In the context of entrepreneurship, the idea that fast is better than slow can be interpreted as the need to move quickly and make decisions in order to stay ahead of the competition and adapt to changing market conditions. In a fast-paced business environment, being able to make quick decisions and take action can be crucial for success. However, it is also important to recognize when it is necessary to slow down, assess the situation, and make thoughtful, strategic decisions.

Watch the Full Episode Here

Listen or watch the full episode with Chad Ingram and use his strategies to build your business. Check in with Nexus IT for more podcast episodes and important tech updates!